Memento Mori | August 1st, 2023 - September 1st, 2023 | Hosted by TCG Gallery

Memento Mori is an exhibition that focuses on the themes of life and death. The Latin phrase "memento mori" means "remember that you will die." Vanitas is a notable example, juxtaposing symbols such as skulls, wilting flowers, and wealth to represent the transience of life, the futility of pleasure, and the certainty of death. Memento mori can be a powerful reminder of the fleeting nature of our presence, a source of comfort and inspiration, and a reminder that demise is a natural part of life and that we should make the most of our time on this mortal coil. Show us, what makes life worth living, and how does one cope with the inevitability of death?

Featured Artists:

Ada Trillo, Alireza Azizi, Anna Kott, Anne Smythe, Chris Sellers, David Griffith, David Taylor, Denis Sivack, Gloria Tang, Gregory D. Brown, Jason Contangelo, Katarina Teise, Khalil Gharbi, Kip Harris, Kristen T. Woodward, Leanne Trivett, Lee Maskarinec, Liliana Del Vedova, Lydia Tonkonow, Margarita Kovaleva, Maria Eugenia Trabucco, Mark Dierker, Michael Putorti, Nanci Hellmuth, Nancy Grimes, Paris Naik-Neenan, Patti Jordan, Quinn Miller, Ron Jesiolowski, Syl Arena

Sales and Artist Inquiries

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